Publications and presentations
Intellectual property rights
- "Geographical indications of Azerbaijan"
- Kamran İmanov "Role of intellectual property rights in development of Azerbaijan"
- “Model Intellectual Property policy for universities and research institutions”
- Kamran İmanov "The role and importance of intellectual property in the Concept of Development "Azerbaijan 2020: A glance at the future"
- Kamran Imanov "On the issue of the formation and functioning of a modern intellectual property office"
- Kamran Imanov "Copyright in Azerbaijan"
- Kamran Imanov "Building respect for copyright: digital imperative, intangible capital and re-thinking the role of IP"
- Kamran Imanov "Building respect for copyright: fight against counterfeiting and piracy in the digital environment (Experience of Azerbaijan)"
- Kamran Imanov "Creative Economy and Innovative Development of Small and Medium Enterprises"
- Kamran Imanov "Creative economy and development of the Azerbaijan economy"
- Kamran Imanov "Economic growth based on new knowledge and economic contribution of creative industry: The experience of Azerbaijan"
- Kamran Imanov "Innovative development and economic reforms: the role of commercialization of intellectual property and technologies"
Collective Management
Armenian fabrications
- Kamran Imanov "Ancient texts and conventional
sources expose Armenian
falsifications and fabrications
about the continuation
of claims to Azerbaijani lands"
- Kamran Imanov "I came, I saw,... I misappropriated"
- Kamran Imanov "Tall Armenian Tales: a Guide to the "Art" of Feritage Thievery"
- Kamran Imanov "Ancient texts and conventional sources expose Armenian falsifications and fabrications or on the factual inhabitants of Armenia"
- Kamran Imanov "Ancient texts and conventional sources expose Armenian falsifications and fabrications or Armenians' attempts to establish their indigenousness in the Caucasus"
- Kamran Imanov "Ancient texts and classic sources expose Armenian falsifications and fabrications or A story about the owners of cultural values in the territories liberated from occupation"
- Kamran Imanov "Ancient texts and classic sources expose Armenian falsifications and fabrications or about primordial inhabitants of territory "Armenia"
- Kamran Imanov "Emergency situations, cultural values protected by IPR and human rights"
- Kamran Imanov "Moral Terror: Against Material and Intangible Cultural Heritage"
- Kamran Imanov "Ancient texts and classical sources expose Armenian falsifications and fabrications or Hay-Armenian attempts to establish their ancient origin by misappropriation of the political history, historical geography, and culture of other nations"
- Kamran Imanov "Ancient texts and classical sources expose Armenian falsifications and fabrications or the realities of Zangezur, which are the ancient Azerbaijani-Turkic lands"
- Kamran Imanov "Historical period when Armenian myths are destroyed, truth and justice prevailed"
- Kamran Imanov "Hay-Armenians, striving to establish their place among historical peoples, do not disdain revising the text Holy Scriptures and The term “Armenia,” whether a toponym or ethnonym, has no relation to the current armenians and was appropriated by them"
Maiden Tower and Caucasian Albania
- Kamran Imanov "On the IP policy at universities and scientific-research institutions of Azerbaijan"
- Kamran Imanov "Knowledge and Technologies + Investments and Intellectual Property = Ecosystem of Human Capital of Universities and Industry (from the experience of adaptation of the WIPO’s Model Intellectual Property Policy for Universities and Research Institutions"
- Kamran Imanov "The role of the Copyright Agency in support of the intellectual property and the research activities at the universities of the Republic of Azerbaijan (the Innovation development and the commercialization of technologies in universities (research institutions))."