Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​More than one thousand appeals of citizens were processed at Intellectual Property Agency during 2019

​More than one thousand appeals of citizens were processed at Intellectual Property Agency during 2019

During 2019, the Office of Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its subordinate bodies received a total of 1049 applications (165 of them electronically). The movement of applications at the Agency were organized by the system of internal electronic document circulation and strictly adhered to their implementation.

782 of applications have been related to the registration of works, 147 industrial property, 38 copyright, 38 inquiries in the field of intellectual property, 4 royalties and 40 other matters. Citizens' applications were answered in accordance with the requirements of legislation and necessary tasks were given for their implementation.

According to the schedule of reception of citizens, the agency's management and officials received 1,110 citizens last year. Necessary measures have been taken within the framework of the Agency's competences to promptly solve the problems of the received citizens.

Sənədlərin ONLAYN qəbulu PƏNAHReyestrAppealÇağrı Mərkəzi MəlumatElektron XidmətlərElektron xidmətlərdən istifadə ilə bağlı statistik məlumatlarstartup5Elektron xidmetler1ZəfərErməni saxtakarlığının ifşasıAggression of Armenia against AzerbaijanHerbi tecavuzhttps://azranking.az/startup2https://www.epo.org/index.htmlhttps://www.eapo.org/ru/