Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​April 23 – World Book and Copyright Day

​April 23 – World Book and Copyright Day

According to the decision of the 28th session of the UNESCO General Conference held in Paris from October 25 to November 16, 1995, April 23 was established as World Book and Copyright Day and is celebrated on this day every year around the world. Most countries organize various events in this regard every year.

The decision to celebrate World Book and Copyright Day is a clear example of the high value placed on books, authors and copyright by the international community. By making such a decision, UNESCO promotes books and copyright, advocates for creativity, cultural diversity and equal access to knowledge in all areas of activity, and promotes book work and reading. Celebrating April 23, we also pay tribute to the disseminators of ideas and knowledge - publishers, bookstores and libraries.

April 23 - World Book and Copyright Day has been solemnly celebrated in Azerbaijan since 1997. In this regard, every year the Intellectual Property Agency organizes a series of events, including national and international conferences. Meetings are also held with authors and right holders, book exhibitions are organized to instill respect for copyright, and the works of prominent authors and various publications published by the Agency are displayed at such exhibitions. Such events confirm and support the recognition of the copyright of the most beautiful invention of mankind - the magic power of books and their creators - the creators of knowledge.

In recent years, conferences dedicated to World Book and Copyright Day have traditionally been held in our country under the motto "Ancient texts and classical sources expose Armenian fabrications". At such events, which are attended by prominent scientists and experts, Armenian forgeries and plagiarism are exposed on the basis of ancient texts, historical sources and facts.

Exposing Armenian fraud and plagiarism has always been a priority for the Agency. Measures are regularly taken against the theft, misappropriation and falsification of author's works, traditional cultural (folklore) samples, traditional knowledge and other intangible cultural heritage belonging to the Azerbaijani nation by Armenians for centuries.

On April 22 on occasion of World Book and Copyright day a webinar will be jointly organized by Intellectual Property Agency and Ministry of Culture on the topic of “Ancient texts and classical sources expose Armenian falsifications and fabrications or about the owners of cultural treasures in the liberated territories”.

A factor dictating the urgency of the event is the exposure of the phenomenon of aggressive Armenian forgery and Armenian mythology, which has lasted for centuries, growing year by year and using the scientific and technical achievements of the new era, which is now more widespread.

Sənədlərin ONLAYN qəbulu PƏNAHReyestrAppealÇağrı Mərkəzi MəlumatElektron XidmətlərElektron xidmətlərdən istifadə ilə bağlı statistik məlumatlarstartup5Elektron xidmetler1ZəfərErməni saxtakarlığının ifşasıAggression of Armenia against AzerbaijanHerbi tecavuzhttps://azranking.az/startup2https://www.epo.org/index.htmlhttps://www.eapo.org/ru/