Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​Representative of Intellectual Property Agency attends at the meeting of the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property of World Intellectual Property Organization

​Representative of Intellectual Property Agency attends at the meeting of the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property of World Intellectual Property Organization

Chief of Staff of Intellectual Property Agency Natig Isayev attended at 24th session of the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property of World Intellectual Property Organization held on 18 to 22 November 2019 in Geneva.

The main topic of discussion at the session was intellectual property and development, technology commercialization, transfer, promotion of innovation, information on the activities and results in this area.

The representative of the Agency participated in discussions of all issues on the agenda of the current session of the Committee and the formation of a unified position in the group of Caucasus, Central Asia and Eastern Europe, which includes our country.

Speaking at the plenary session of the Committee's Intellectual Property and Development Unit, Natig Isayev focused on systematic and successful solution of intellectual property issues, innovative development, technology commercialization, transfer and promotion of innovations with the support of the Head of State. He also provided extensive information on creation of intellectual property Agency as a single management body in the field of intellectual property, establishment of centers for technology transfer and commercialization and innovation, creation of a system for the protection and management of digital property rights, including blockchain technology, the creation of new digital services and the progress made.

In addition, N.Isaev informed the participants about the work done in the universities and research institutes of our country in the direction of commercialization of the results of intellectual activity, creation of centers for technology transfer and commercialization and creation of exhibitions that reflect their achievements emphasizing the projects and activities implemented under the Memorandum of Cooperation signed between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the World Intellectual Property Organization.

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