Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​Cooperation between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan in the field of copyright is developing

​Cooperation between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan in the field of copyright is developing

A “Memorandum on cooperation in the field of copyright and related rights protection was signed between the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan” within Uzbek-Azerbaijani business forum in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

This Document was signed within the frame of official visit of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Document was signed by Chairman of Board of Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Kamran Imanov and Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. Ruslanbek Davletov.

During the signing ceremony, which was also attended by Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tulkin Abdusattarov, extensive discussions were held on the development of bilateral relations. At the meeting, detailed information was provided on the issues of interest to the Uzbek side in connection with the achievements of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of intellectual property.

Given the rich ancient culture of Uzbekistan and the need to preserve it at the level of modern standards, the discussions focused primarily on the experience of copyright protection in Azerbaijan and the use of this experience by the Uzbek side. In this context, the legal aspects of the protection of traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions (folklore) in our country, the relevant regulatory mechanism was met with special interest.

During the conversation, it was noted that the modern concept of intellectual property and the activities of this institution take place in a context significantly different from its traditional perception, and was the result of significant technological changes in society. This, in turn, will have and will continue to have an increasing impact on the existing intellectual property landscape. This is important in terms of understanding the future evolution of intellectual property and its international architecture. The share of the social effect and the creative industry is waived if copyright is not taken into account from the changing context paradigm of intellectual property. In this sense, while economics and sociology play an active role in the modern institution of intellectual property, jurisprudence is of systemic importance. This is the systematic understanding of the synergetic and emergent features of the institution of intellectual property, and this requires an understanding of the economic and sociological nature of the institution along with the law.

Azerbaijan's experience in the field of industrial property was also in the focus of attention, first of all, the establishment of the PANAH system operating in the Intellectual Property Agency and the provision of relevant services. The questions of the Uzbek side related to this digitalized service were answered.

In turn, the Azerbaijani side was provided with detailed information on the powers and activities of the Intellectual Property Department of the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan, as well as the legislation of this country in the field of copyright.

The parties also discussed issues of cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of training of the staff. In this context, it was agreed to send Uzbek specialists to Azerbaijan in the near future, as well as to visit the staff of the Intellectual Property Agency to get acquainted with the legislative experience of the opposite party.

During the meeting, the Azerbaijani side expressed gratitude for the high-level reception, noting that the historically established relations between the two brother nations and countries are developing steadily as a result of the political will of the leaders of both countries.

It should be noted that the Memorandum stems from the need to ensure mutually reliable protection of copyright and related rights in the development of historical, cultural, scientific, technical, trade and economic relations between the two countries, and envisages strengthening the existing intellectual property systems of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan through the establishment of a mechanism for regular exchange of information, experience, joint trainings and other events.

The signing of this Memorandum is an example of mutual cooperation between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, an indication of a qualitatively new stage in the relations between the parties in the field of intellectual property.

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