Kamran Imanov spoke at the international conference

On April 18-19, 2023 in the city of Moscow under the joint organization of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO), the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of Russia (Rospatent), the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” of Russia, the International Scientific and Educational Center “UNESCO Chairs in Copyright, Related, Cultural and Information Rights” and the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property held the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Author - 2024”.
At the opening of the event, the head of Rospatent, Yuriy Zubov, the director of the UNESCO department, professor Mikhail Fedotov, the president of EAPO, Grigoriy Ivliyev, the head of the office of the World Intellectual Property Organization in the Russian Federation, Pavel Spitsin, the chairman of the Science, Education and Culture Committee of the Russian Federation Council, Liliya Gumerova, South African Companies and Intellectual Property Commission Commissioner Rory Waller and others spoke.
Then the plenary session of the conference was held under the moderator of M. Fedotov. Professor Kamran Imanov, Chairman of the Board of the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, joined the meeting in the online format, welcomed the organizers and participants of the conference, emphasized the importance of this prestigious international event and noted that such events contribute to the expansion of international cooperation in the field of intellectual property. Then K. Imanov gave an extensive report on “Authorship, the Right to Protect Authorship and Copyright”.
The report touched upon the topics of authorship - an institution of socio-cultural recognition of individual contribution, the more effective representation of the phenomenon of authorship within the model of socio-cultural or author's description, the essence of copyright protection, copyright protection in relation to industrial property objects, as well as the issues of regional integration in the field of intellectual property
K. Imanov's report was listened with interest and applauded by the conference participants. The moderator of the event thanked K.Imanov for touching on an interesting and relevant topic, as always and recommended to publish the report in the scientific journal of the “Higher School of Economics” of Russia.