Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​Free trainings will be held on the PCT system

​Free trainings will be held on the PCT system

In connection with the launch of the Eurasian Patent Office (EPO) as an International Searching Authority and Preliminary Examining Authority, a series of educational trainings on the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT system) will be held.

The trainings will be jointly organized by the EPO and the World Intellectual Property Organization. Webinars will be held in Russian and attendance is free.

Eurasian patent attorneys, field specialists, national applicants, employees of national patent offices of Member States of the Eurasian Patent Organization are invited to participate in the trainings.

The first regional seminar on "Demonstration of electronic filing of an international application through the ePCT portal" is planned to be held on September 26, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time. The participants of the training will be shown the algorithm of filing an international application through the ePCT portal, the functional capabilities of the portal for preparing and filing a PCT application will be explained.

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