Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
Geologists Day was celebrated at the Intellectual Property Agency

Geologists Day was celebrated at the Intellectual Property Agency

The first Sunday of April is celebrated as Geologists Day in Azerbaijan. On this occasion, an event dedicated to eminent geologist scientists Baba Babazada and Oktay Babazada was held in the Republican Scientific and Technical Library (RSTL) under the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Mrs. Amaliya Ganbarova, Head of the Mass Affairs and Propaganda Department of RSTL, spoke about the services of geologists in the creation of the country's mineral-raw material base, and informed about the life and scientific activities of Baba Babazada and Oktay Babazada.

Mrs. Laman Khalafova, Deputy Director for Information Resources of RSTL, congratulated our geologists on their professional holiday and wished them greater success in their intense, tireless and useful activities. She spoke about the great efforts and services of our oilmen, drillers and geologists in creating a rich science and practice school for the oil and gas industry in Azerbaijan.

First of all, Lyudmila Chubabria, Deputy Director of Subscriber Information Service of RSTL, thanked Nigar Babazade, daughter of Oktay Babazadeh, for donating about 700 personal literature belonging to her grandfather and father to RSTL, and noted that this literature will play a big role in enriching the Library's fund.

The leading researcher of the "Dynamic geology" department of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, PhD in geology and mineralogy Mr. Shahvalad Kocherli shared his memories about Baba Babazada and Oktay Babazada.

Mr. Mubariz Mammadli, Acting Director of RSTL, said that father and son Babazadas, who are authors of a number of monographs and textbooks on applied mechanics, seismology, geophysics and geology, have a rich scientific heritage, have contributed to Azerbaijan with a large number of valuable researches on solving the current problems of the oil and gas industry.

Oktay Babazada's daughter Mrs. Nigar Babazada spoke and expressed her gratitude for the organization of this event. She informed about the books published about his grandfather and father.

At the end of the event, a documentary film dedicated to outstanding scientists of Azerbaijan was demonstrated.
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