A conference on the topic "Ancient texts and classical sources expose armenian frauds and fictions or what the lands of Western Azerbaijan are telling about” was held.

On April 23, 2024, on the occasion of the World Book and Copyright Day, with the joint organization of the Intellectual Property Agency and Western Azerbaijan Community, a conference on the topic "Ancient texts and classical sources expose armenian frauds and fictions or what the lands of Western Azerbaijan are telling about” was held.
A press briefing was held before the event. At the briefing, Chairman of the Board of the Intellectual Property Agency Kamran Imanov and Chairman of the Board of the Western Azerbaijan Community, Milli Majlis member Aziz Alakbarli spoke in front of media representatives and answered journalists' questions.
Kamran Imanov, Chairman of the Board of the Intellectual Property Agency, opened the conference with an introductory speech, welcomed the participants of the conference and noted that this year's holidays are of special significance, for the first time these days are celebrated by the representatives of the victorious people and the victorious nation, which has restored its integrity, in every corners of our Motherland.
It was emphasized that we Azerbaijanis see the exceptional role of President Ilham Aliyev in achieving this wish and our dream, in the realization of his titanic activities of "what, how, when" in the celebration of "fulfilling the father's will" stemming from our national tradition, in the growing international reputation of our country and becoming a voice, we see the spirit of Azerbaijan in the heights, in the height of our heads, we see it in the deep respect and love of the Azerbaijani people for Mr. President, we see it in his undoubted victory in the presidential elections - his election.
The head of the agency pointed out that the great impact of the results achieved by Azerbaijan in recent years is reflected in the development of creativity, innovation, bigotry, and that it brings its fruits, saying that the most valuable asset of the nation, the qualities that make up its intellectual greatness, are related to the creativity and innovation of the people's representatives: "Creativity and innovation of our personalities. Being natural human resources and creating intellectual property, both the natural-biological and creative-spiritual power of ethnos derives from its close connection with national nature and land.
K.Imanov emphasized the increase observed in the registration of copyright and industrial property objects in our country in 2023 compared to 2022, and said that the factual statistics testify to the positive results of copyright, invention and economic fanaticism resulting from the rise of the creative spirit since our sovereignty has been fully restored. .
The head of the agency noted that the World Book and Copyright Day was declared by UNESCO, and said that there has been no response to the investigation of the looting, destruction and misappropriation of tangible and intangible heritage belonging to the Azerbaijani people as a result of the 30-year occupation. It was emphasized that according to the most important documents of UNESCO, "culture means cultural diversity reflected in the cultural heritage of peoples". In short, one of the most important responsibilities of UNESCO is to protect the cultural heritage belonging to peoples, regardless of Christian, Muslim, Turkish or European culture. In the absence of such an approach and the application of a double standard to the concept of heritage, this international organization cannot fully fulfill the functions related to the Charter and thereby avoids fulfilling its duties. Therefore, the Intellectual Property Agency, in accordance with its powers and duties, demands the fulfillment of its responsibilities in accordance with the UNESCO Charter in relation to Azerbaijan as well.
K. Imanov's introductory remarks were made by Mr. President Ilham Aliyev's January 10, 2024 interview to local television channels, "...The new era should have new goals. We cannot enter the new era with old goals, because those goals have already been achieved. We moved the big layers. We won such a victory that this is not a matter of local importance. It has somehow become one of the main issues of the international agenda." concluding with his words, he wished everyone success in fulfilling the tasks of the head of state in this new era.
At the opening of the conference, Chairman of the Board of the Western Azerbaijan Community, Milli Majlis member Aziz Alakbarli, Chairman of the Chamber of Accounts Vugar Gulmamedov, Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) Sabina Aliyeva, parliament members and others spoke and emphasized the importance of the event and highly appreciated the activity of the Intellectual Property Agency in this field.
Then K. Imanov's extensive report on "Western Azerbaijani lands in ancient and classical sources and DNA analysis" was heard.
The report exposed Armenian forgeries and fabrications based on historical documents, ancient archival materials and even Armenian sources. It was noted that numerous books of modern Armenian authors, full of historical lies, spread untrue "facts" in reference to each other, thereby creating an "Armenian source", i.e., a "evidence" system. This applies to most of Hay-Armeni's past and contemporary authors. Ancient Armenian texts, their manuscripts and originals, which are mentioned with great enthusiasm, are usually not found or are reflected in later copies.
Apart from living with its past, Armenia lives in a world of myths. This mythology connects the stereotype of "big lands" and territorial claims against neighbours, it is this mythology that aims to "naturalize" and even "legitimize" the appropriation of cultural heritage of neighbours. Finally, it is this mythology that determines the outlook and morality of Armenian politicians, statesmen, scientists, and even the masses. The myth they created about the "exceptionalism" of the Armenians, the fiction of "suffering" aimed at the outside world, creates special ambitions and claims in the Armenian thought, tries to remove the role of the natural ordinariness of the Armenians in every possible way, puts forward the "special mission" of the Armenians, and thus the foundation of the modern peace-building of international law. prevents it from being recognized as a stone. And without a doubt, the listed factors form the Armenian identity based on the modern negative scheme.
Later, A. Alekbarli's "Armenian vandalism against the Muslim religious heritage in the territory of Western Azerbaijan", Karim Shukurov's, Director General of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after A.A. Bakikhanov of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, member of the Board of the Western Azerbaijan Community, Professor of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University Ibrahim Bayramov's, "Western Azerbaijan : moral genocide and historical truths", the reports of Nazim Mustafa, member of the Board of the Western Azerbaijan Community, doctor of philosophy in history, laureate of the State Prize, employee of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after A.A. Bakikhanov of ANAS on the topic "On ways to benefit from the existing contradictions in Armenian historiography", were heard .
There were discussions on the topic at the conference. During the discussions, the chairman of the Women's Council of the Western Azerbaijan Community, member of the Milli Majlis, Malahat Hasanova, vice-rector for international relations of ADPU, doctor of philological sciences, professor Mahira Huseynova, deputy director for scientific affairs of the Institute of History named after A. Bakikhanov ANAS Jabi Bayramov, head of the History Department of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Firdovsiyya Ahmadova, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Elders of the Community of Western Azerbaijan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vagif Shadlinsky, Ramin Alizadeh, Senior Researcher at the Institute of History of ANAS, spoke and expressed their opinions.
During the event, a book exhibition "Written sources exposing Armenian fictions" was organized. Books and brochures published by the Intellectual Property Agency in this field were displayed at the exhibition.