Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
Youth Day was celebrated in the Republican Scientific and Technical Library

Youth Day was celebrated in the Republican Scientific and Technical Library

On the occasion of February 2 - Youth Day, a conference on "Successful youth - a successful future" was held at the Republican Scientific and Technical Library (RSTL) under the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Ms. Sabina Sultanova, the 1st Deputy Director of the Library for innovation and development, opened the event with an opening speech, and said that the Youth Day is a manifestation of the great attention and trust shown by National Leader Heydar Aliyev to the youth of Azerbaijan. It was noted that after gaining independence, new perspectives were opened for the youth of Azerbaijan. The state youth policy, which was founded by the National Leader, has left deep traces in the development of the youth of Azerbaijan. Ms. S. Sultanova emphasized that in modern times, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev has implemented state programs in the field of youth policy, various projects in the economic, scientific, social and other fields.

Mr. Mubariz Mammadli, Deputy Director of RSTL for patent and copyright resources, shared his impressions about the state events organized in the field of youth policy under the instructions of National Leader Heydar Aliyev.

Mr. Akif Tavakkuloglu, Adviser to the Chairman of the Board of the Intellectual Property Agency, spoke about the youth policy in the modern era and the opportunities created to ensure the active participation of young people in the social, economic and cultural life of the country.

At the conference, speeches on the topics of "Heydar Aliyev's role in the development of Azerbaijani youth", "Heroic youth in the struggle for the integrity of the lands of Azerbaijan", "on Activity of volunteer youth", "Ilham Aliyev's successful youth policy" were heard. The young employees and volunteers of the Library expressed their gratitude to the Head of State for the attention and care rendered to them.

The video presentation "Successful youth - successful future" was demonstrated at the event.
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