A regional seminar on "Creative Economy: Data Model, Measurement and Intellectual Property" jointly organized by the Intellectual Property Agency and the World Intellectual Property Organization was concluded.

As we reported, a regional seminar on "Creative Economy: Data Model, Measurement and Intellectual Property" was held in Baku on December 2-3, 2024, jointly organized by the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). During the two-day event, WIPO experts made interesting presentations on current issues of the creative economy.
Deputy Director of the Department of the WIPO, Dimiter Ganchev, gave a report on "Overview of existing measurement models of the creative economy." He touched on various issues of the creative sector and provided detailed information about the evolution of creative industry research, WIPO methodology, and the creative value chain. It was emphasized that creative industries are one of the important sectors of the economy and make significant contributions to gross domestic product (GDP) and employment. D. Ganchev presented statistical indicators and highlighted the strategic importance of these statistics for creative industries and the creative economy.
WIPO representative Rimantas Vaicenavicius’s presentation on "The Copyright Industry within the WIPO", emphasized the importance of focusing on employment and international trade and analyzed key indicators in the field.
In his presentation on "Building a data model for the creative economy", WIPO representative Felipe Buitragon spoke in detail about the important role of building a data model for the creative economy in the economy. He emphasized that it is possible to ensure sustainable development of the economy by ensuring the flow of information between different sectors of the creative economy and creating an ecosystem. The presentation highlights that entrepreneurship is one of the main driving forces of a country's economic development and emphasizes the importance of creating favorable conditions for it. It is also stated that in a creative economy, the information pyramid is important for the effective management of creative activities, the promotion of innovations, and making decisions in line with market trends, and detailed information about the elements of the information pyramid was provided.
WIPO representative Kubra Karatash gave a presentation on “Framework, structure and indicators of the model”. She gave detailed information on the structure and components of the creative economy and emphasized that the Creative Economy Data Model (CEDM) is a data structure that provides for the collection, classification, analysis and use of data between different sectors operating in the creative economy. She stated that this model helps in making more accurate decisions at each stage of the creative economy value chain.
Professor Vanus James, who joined the event online, spoke about the index methodology and data sources, as well as the requirements for them.
Felipe Buitragon's presentation on "Problems in Identifying Data Sources" was provided information on the problems in identifying data sources. He emphasized that issues such as data fragmentation, variability in data quality, and limited accessibility to data are the main problems in identifying information sources.
WIPO representative Valeria Brusnikina delivered a speech on the topic "Using data from digital transactions with creative assets." The speech touched upon the ecosystem of creative industries, the creation, protection, monetization, use and monitoring of copyright objects on various digital platforms, and the prevention of illegal use.
The event included a case study of the Philippines and discussions on the topic "Assessing Subregional Readiness: National Statistical Perspectives on the Creative Economy."
A delegation representing WIPO, as well as representatives from Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan actively participated in the discussions at the two-day international event, which was a continuation of cooperation between Azerbaijan and WIPO in the field of creative economy.
The participants of the regional seminar particularly noted the high level of organization of the event and expressed their gratitude to the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan.