Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​A representative of Azerbaijan is among the winners of the Eurasian Patent Universiade "Look into the Future".

​A representative of Azerbaijan is among the winners of the Eurasian Patent Universiade "Look into the Future".

An event was held at the Intellectual Property Agency regarding the results of the Eurasian Patent Universiade "Look into the Future" held by the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO).

The Member of Board of Agency Mr. Sanan Tapdigov, emphasized the special care of the country's leadership in the field of science and education, and said that the Agency renders special importance to the support of scientists, creative people and inventors, and the quality of the services provided in this field. He noted that the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, recently signed the Decree "On Stimulation of Inventive Activity". According to the Decree, 50 (fifty) percent of the costs paid by the right holders who are citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan for patenting inventions and utility models in foreign countries through the international system of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and keeping them valid for the first three years will be financed by the state in order to stimulate inventive activity in our country and provide state support to this field.

S.Tapdigov emphasized that it is a great honor for students and young scientists representing our country to be awarded prizes in both EAPO and other international competitions. He said that Nusraddin Omarov was among the winners of the Eurasian Patent Universiade "Look into the Future" and congratulated him on behalf of the Agency's leadership.

Emil Mammadov, the Vice-president of the Eurasian Patent Office of EAPO, noted the active participation of Azerbaijani representatives in the recent competitions held with the direct participation of EPO, and conveyed the congratulations of Grigoriy Ivliyev, president of EPO.

Professor Vugar Aliyev, the scientific supervisor of N. Omarov, expressed his gratitude to EPO and the Intellectual Property Agency for the support related to the organization of the Universiade and participation in it. He informed about the project "ANTIVARROA device for cleaning bees from mites", which was awarded a prize and a medal in the competition. V. Aliyev said that this invention and the related industrial design and trademark have already been registered in the Intellectual Property Agency, and several foreign countries have shown interest in this device.

At the end of the event, the Eurasian Patent Universiade medal and certificate were presented.

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