An educational conference was held jointly organized by the Intellectual Property Agency and Azerbaijan Medical University

A conference on intellectual property rights organized by the Intellectual Property Agency and the Division of Research Management was held at the AMU Educational-Surgical Clinic.
Opening the conference, AMU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Malahat Sultan noted that our university pays special attention to scientific papers, requirements and all issues related to science. Speaking about the role of intellectual property in innovation and research, she said that there should be a lot of information about which invention can receive a patent, what steps need to be taken to obtain a patent, benefit of patents, etc. M.Sultan noted that many events will be held to protect intellectual property, obtain grants and patents, including a national meeting in April.
Advisor to the Chairman of the Intellectual Property Agency Gulnara Rustamova expressed gratitude to the university leadership for organizing the event and said that this conference is a first step of mutual cooperation: "Our main goal is to discuss industrial property rights, the benefits of inventions, and the protection of trademark-related rights."
Afterwards, Deputy Head of the Department of the Patent and Trademark Examination Center under the Agency Afet Gasimova presented report on topic "Objects of patent law, preparation and issuance of a document for obtaining a patent".
Head of the above–mentioned department Sevinj Zeynalova spoke about "The content of intellectual property objects and conduction of expert examinations," Head of the sector and Natavan Talyshova spoke about "The rules of registration of inventions in chemistry and medicine." The presentation on "Trademarks and geographical indications" by Head of the sector Guljahan Alimardanova aroused great interest. Expert of the center Firuza Bahramova provided detailed information about the PANAH digital information system, which accepts applications related to the registration of industrial property.
At the event was attended by bachelors, masters, dissertation students and faculty members representatives of the agency answered questions about the requirements for inventions, conditions for obtaining and recognizing patents.