Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​An event dedicated to the President's birthday was held at the Intellectual Property Agency

​An event dedicated to the President's birthday was held at the Intellectual Property Agency

An event dedicated to Victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief Mr. President Ilham Aliyev’s birthday was held at Intellectual property Agency.

Opening the event, Chairman of the Board Mr. Kamran Imanov expressed his heartfelt words to the President and congratulated the participants and every citizen of Azerbaijan on this occasion.

He said: “Today is the birthday and anniversary of our President, who is loved by our nation. May God grant him a good health! God bless Mr. President! May the Almighty God protect his wife, First Vice-President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva and their family! Let us also have the opportunity to participate in the prosperity of Azerbaijan and observe it”.

He recalled the words of the National Leader, President Heydar Aliyev, addressed to Ilham Aliyev in 2003, "I believe in him as much as my and have high hopes for his future" and stressed: “See how the National Leader left us an heir, who gave us the greatest joy - the liberation of our lands”.

“As a member of the older generation, I am very happy that God has given us the joy of liberating our lands. Mr. President gave us the first victory in the last 200 years of Azerbaijan's history, in just 44 days. I say this openly!”. The Head of the Agency stressed that "in order to do this, Mr. President, starting from 2003, gradually gathered forces, created a regular army, gradually took up arms, and gradually laid the foundation for this in the world. He did this with very delicate long-term political steps, smart moves, maintaining balance in the international arena, skillfully, choosing the right partners, without losing our self-esteem, and entering the war at the right time."

According to K.Imanov, these achievements of Mr. President are due to the trust, respect and love of our nation. “He is with the people, the people are with him. The love of the people is visible at every step. After all, nothing can be better than giving our occupied lands back to our people! And it is impossible not to love such a President!”.

“The most important thing is that he loves Azerbaijan and Baku. See how beautiful Baku is! I know this well. Mr. President is so patriotic, he loves Azerbaijan so much that it is difficult to express with words” – he noted.

Touching upon the leadership qualities of the President, K.Imanov said: “Mr. President weighs all his decisions and then does his best to ensure them. And this is a feature with of a great leader!”.

Noting that the President has a creative mind, the Head of the Agency said: “Mr. Ilham Aliyev is able to bring the most necessary innovations to Azerbaijan and he will achieve!”.

He finished his speech with these words: “May God bless Mr. President! With the rise of Azerbaijan to the world like the sun!”.

Speaking at the event, other employees of the Agency also expressed their congratulations and wishes on the anniversary of the Victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Mr. President Ilham Aliyev.

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