An event on the topic "What is intellectual property rights and how to protect them" was held in Lankaran

A training on the topic "What is intellectual property rights and how to protect them" was held in Lankaran city by the "Legal Research Center" Public Union with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the participation of the Intellectual Property Agency within the framework of the project "Increasing the protection potential of intellectual property rights holders".
Opening the event organized at Lankaran State University, the university's rector, Professor Natig Ibrahimov, emphasized that large-scale events are being held in all areas in our country, and that great attention and care is being paid to creative individuals, noting that such events are important in terms of increasing the awareness of creative individuals in the field of intellectual property and improving their knowledge of copyright.
Bakhsheyish Askerov, Chairman of the Legal Research Center Public Union, Associate Professor at Baku State University, Ph.D. in Law noted that the purpose of the training is to expand the knowledge of creative individuals on the protection of intellectual property rights and the use of creative results, to support the work done to strengthen their creative potential, and to direct creative products to improving the material, moral and social security of creative individuals.He stressed that he hoped the event would help intellectual property rights holders improve their knowledge in this area.
Then Natig Isayev, an expert from the Intellectual Property Agency and Aydin Karimov, a lawyer from the Azerbaijan University of Culture and Arts, made presentations on the topic.
N. Isayev noted that the development of the intellectual property sector and support for the creation of scientific, literary and artistic works are among the priorities of state policy, and stated that consistent and purposeful measures are being implemented in our country to strengthen the system for ensuring the rights of creative individuals, create more favorable conditions for creativity and stimulate and encourage creative activity.
N. Isayev spoke about the role of intellectual property in the cultural, social and economic spheres and provided detailed information to the event participants about the legislative framework and management system created in our country, taking into account progressive international experience in the field of intellectual property.
He informed the participants about the legislative acts regulating relations in the field of intellectual property, the importance of correctly drafting copyright agreements in regulating issues related to the use of intellectual property objects, the registration established at the Intellectual Property Agency, including the electronic registration system, the advantages of registration, the opportunities created by the legislation for the restoration of violated rights, applications made to the Agency regarding the protection of copyrights and the work done by the Agency on the basis of these. Also during the discussions, information was provided on the international relations of our state in the field of intellectual property, its participation in international organizations operating in this field, and the work done to protect the rights of authors in the territories of foreign countries within the framework of bilateral and multilateral international treaties and agreements.
Speaking at the training A.Karimov spoke about the importance of intellectual property in the socio-cultural development of society, and the importance of properly organizing the commercial use of intellectual property samples created by creative individuals in improving the financial situation of creative individuals. He noted that the main goal of the "Strengthening the potential of intellectual property owners" project, implemented by the Legal Research Center with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and the assistance of the Intellectual Property Agency, is to help protect and stimulate the intellectual property rights of creative individuals and increase their creative opportunities. Emphasizing that meetings and trainings were held in 4 regions of our country for this purpose, A.Karimov provided information on the state's care for creative individuals, instilling habits of taking advantage of the opportunities created by the existing legislation, authors' rights and mechanisms for their protection, and brought his recommendations on teaching and applying practical skills to the attention of the event participants. Then he noted that such events have a positive practical significance in solving individual and sectoral problems of members of creative organizations - artists, writers, musicians, scientists and intellectuals, and that previous events held in this framework have been met with great interest by the public.
Numerous questions from the participants were answered during the interactive training.
At the event, the training participants were given books on intellectual property rights, innovation and creative economy, industrial property, copyright, the fight against Armenian counterfeit products and other topics, published by the Intellectual Property Agency under the authorship of the Chairman of the Board of the Intellectual Property Agency Kamran Imanov.