Azerbaijan in the Report of “International Property Rights Index 2022”

Comment of Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan
International Property Rights Index is a combined indicator measuring the achievements gained by world countries in terms of the protection of property rights. It has been published by "The Property Rights Alliance" since 2007. “The Property Rights Alliance”, based in Washington, D.C., is a prominent American organization that advocates for trademark owners and intellectual property rights, including companies involved in audio and video products, the music industry, and computer software production.
The purpose of the study is to study the status and effectiveness of protection of rights to private property - both material and intellectual - on a global scale.
The indicators used in the rating are based on statistical analyzes of the data of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the Office of the special representative of the US President for trade negotiations, and international and national research centers.
The editors of the index publication include representatives of a number of leading universities and international organizations.
Rating indicators are combined in 3 groups: Legal and political environment, Physical property rights, Intellectual property rights.
As of 2022, 129 countries have been included in the ranking.
The leaders of the rating are Finland, Singapore and Switzerland. Azerbaijan ranks 60th in the rating, ahead of Armenia (63), Georgia (72), Kazakhstan (75), Russia (85), Moldova (95) and Ukraine (105). Three Central Asian Republics of the CIS are not included in the ranking.
Azerbaijan ranks a high 32nd place in the rating in the "Physical property rights" group.
According to the "Intellectual property right" group, our country is ahead of Kazakhstan (86), Moldova (90), Armenia (91), Ukraine (93) and Georgia (112). It should be noted that in this group, according to the indicator "Awareness of the protection of intellectual property", Azerbaijan ranks a high 30th place in the rating.