Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​Collaborator of Intellectual property Agency attended in Seminar

​Collaborator of Intellectual property Agency attended in Seminar

A seminar on "Media and communication policy through the eyes of the media" was jointly organized by the Media Development Agency and “ADA” University for government officials in charge of press and public relations.

The closing ceremony of the two-week seminar was held on May 11. Assistant to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan-Head of the Department of Foreign Policy Affairs of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Hikmat Hajiyev, Rector of “ADA” University, Professor Arif Pashayev, Executive Director of the Media Development Agency Mr. Ahmad Ismayilov and others spoke at the event.

At the end of the ceremony, certificates were presented to 40 participants who successfully completed the Seminar.

Deputy Head of the International Relations and Information Department of the Intellectual Property Agency - Press Secretary Mr. Elnur Mammadli attended at the Seminar.

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