Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​During 9 months of this year, more than 400 copyright objects were registered at the Intellectual Property Agency

​During 9 months of this year, more than 400 copyright objects were registered at the Intellectual Property Agency

During nine months of the current year, 412 works of 292 authors (right holders) and legal entities were registered by the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Among them, 145 works of 110 authors were registered electronically.

Issues related to copyright enforcement are always in the focus of the Agency's activities. The application of control marks to copies of copyright and related rights objects (audiovisual work, phonogram, computer program, data set, book) is of particular importance in the framework of copyright enforcement and anti-piracy measures. In accordance with the legislation, the Agency is conducting relevant work with other state bodies in the direction of applying control marks to products protected by copyright in our country, including placing control marks on goods imported to the territory of Azerbaijan.

During the nine months of 2022, about 100,000 control marks were issued to users by the Intellectual Property Rights Protection Center under the Intellectual Property Agency. The State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Statistics Committee, and the Center for Educational Technologies of the Institute of Education are among the entities that applied for obtaining control marks.

Sənədlərin ONLAYN qəbulu PƏNAHReyestrAppealÇağrı Mərkəzi MəlumatElektron XidmətlərElektron xidmətlərdən istifadə ilə bağlı statistik məlumatlarstartup5Elektron xidmetler1ZəfərErməni saxtakarlığının ifşasıAggression of Armenia against AzerbaijanHerbi tecavuzhttps://azranking.az/startup2https://www.epo.org/index.htmlhttps://www.eapo.org/ru/