Educational events will be held for collective management organizations

On the eve of April 23 - World Book and Copyright Day and April 26 - International Intellectual Property Day, a series of events held by the Intellectual Property Agency continue to strengthen the culture of intellectual property and attract the attention of different segments of society to intellectual property.
Within the framework of the "Intellectual Property Month", at the following events the principles, organization and implementation of the management of property rights of authors on a collective basis, upcoming challenges in the field of property rights management at the modern stage, and other issues will be discussed.
It should be noted that currently "Guild Of Professional Azerbaijan Film Directors", "Azerbaijan Writer’sUnion, "For Copyright" and "Digital and Audiovisual Broadcasting Industry" public unions are operating in our country. The sphere of activity of each of them is defined by the Intellectual Property Agency in accordance with the requirements of the copyright legislation. These public associations are engaged in the collection of royalties for the use of audiovisual works, musical works and objects of related rights.
As a part of the upcoming trainings, we invite those public associations to participate in the trainings in order to exchange ideas on a number of current issues in the field of property rights management on a collective basis.
The trainings will be held in the meeting room of the Intellectual Property Agency on the 1st floor of the "Government House".
We would like to remind that the Intellectual Property Agency declared April as "Intellectual Property Month".