Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​A Memorandum on joint cooperation was signed between the Intellectual Property Agency and the Mediation Council

​A Memorandum on joint cooperation was signed between the Intellectual Property Agency and the Mediation Council

Chairman of the Board of Intellectual Property Agency Mr. Kamran Imanov received Chairman of the Board of Mediation Council Mr. Nadir Adilov.

Chairman of the Board Mr. Imanov spoke about the establishment of the Intellectual Property Agency, a single state body in the field of intellectual property, as a result of the institutional reforms carried out in our country under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the structure and activities of the Agency.

He noted that the Agency has an Appeal Council, which deals with disputes arising in the field of protection of industrial property objects, and said that the Agency has great experience in the field of out-of-court dispute resolution.

Thanking for the reception, Mr. Adilov gave information about the activities of the Mediation Council. He noted that they are satisfied with the cooperation with the Agency and emphasized the importance of holding joint trainings. He also talked about the work done in cooperation with the Mediation Council in the recent period and noted that digital services will be organized and a mediation portal will be created.

Mr. Imanov pointed out that there are broad opportunities for holding trainings for the members of the Mediation Council, and said that the Agency needs to organize various trainings for mediators in the field of intellectual property.

At the end of event the Memorandum on Joint Cooperation between the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Mediation Council was signed. The document was signed by Mr. Sanan Tapdigov, Member of the Board of Intellectual Property Agency, and Mr. Nadir Adilov, the Chairman of the Board of Mediation Council.

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