Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​The Intellectual Property Agency conducts classes for masters of BSU

​The Intellectual Property Agency conducts classes for masters of BSU

According to the agreement reached between Baku State University (BSU) and the University of Lyon-2 in France, a dual master's degree program in "Intellectual Property Law" is being implemented.

The Intellectual Property Agency has played a leading role in this process from the very beginning. Since May of current year, the Agency began to hold some classes for masters studying in the master's program "Intellectual Property Law" of the Faculty of Law of BSU. Classes are organized in accordance with the standards using the material and technical base of the Agency.

Conducting classes in the specialty "Intellectual Property Law" at the Agency provides an opportunity for masters to gain new knowledge and skills.

In the process of training, masters get acquainted with the structure of the Agency, as well as with the activities of its subordinate bodies - the Center for Examination of Patent and Trademark and the Center for Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, and also discuss issues of interest to them with experts in this field.

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