Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​Collaborator of the Intellectual Property Agency participated in the training on social media

​Collaborator of the Intellectual Property Agency participated in the training on social media

On May 17-20, 2022, the Center for Application and Training of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT LAB) under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport held a training on "Use of social media for government agencies".

During the training, ICT LAB employees made presentations on "The purpose of using the social network", "Content management in the social network", "Social network algorithms", "Activity management in social networks", "Misinformation and security" and other topics. Discussions were held on various issues of interest to the participants.

At the end of the four-day training, participants were awarded certificates.

The training was attended by Deputy Head of the International Relations and Information Department of the Intellectual Property Agency - Press Secretary Mr. Elnur Mammadli.

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