Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​Webinar on “Creative Economy: Innovations for the Future” was held

​Webinar on “Creative Economy: Innovations for the Future” was held

The World Intellectual Property Organization's declaration of April 26, 2000 - World Intellectual Property Day - stems from the respect of human society for intellectual property and its creators. The main purpose of the various events held annually in most countries on the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day is to highlight the role of intellectual property in enriching cultural heritage, sustainable economic development and the formation of the information society, to show the role of intellectual property rights in promoting innovation and creativity, to stimulate, to show respect and esteem for the creators of intellectual property.

World Intellectual Property Organization addressed to world community on occasion of World Intellectual Property Day: “Every April 26, we celebrate World Intellectual Property Day to learn about the role that intellectual property (IP) rights play in encouraging innovation and creativity. World Intellectual Property 2022 recognizes the huge potential of young people to find new and better solutions that support the transition to a sustainable future.

In 2022 the theme of World Intellectual Property Day is “IP and Youth: Innovating for a Better Future” and celebrates youth-led innovation and creativity. The youth of today are an incredible and largely untapped source of ingenuity and creativity. Their fresh perspectives, energy, curiosity and “can do” attitude, not to mention their hunger for a better future, are already reshaping approaches and driving action for innovation and change”.

Traditionally, the International Intellectual Property Day is solemnly celebrated in our country, and a series of events are organized every year in this regard. A conference-webinar on "Creative Economy: Innovations for the Future" was jointly organized by the Intellectual Property Agency and the Federation of Creative Industries of Azerbaijan on April 26.

The event was welcomed by Chairman of the Board of Intellectual Property Agency Dr. Kamran Imanov. He noted that the heritage of the Azerbaijani people, including traditional cultural expressions, knowledge, art comes from creativity. He expressed hope that as a result of the thoughtful and far-sighted policy pursued by President Ilham Aliyev, especially in the liberated territories, many of our cultural centers will be included in the list of creative cities - Smart City, Smart Village.

The Head of Agency stressed that the services of First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva in supporting the creativity of Azerbaijan are invaluable. It was noted that her care for the creative and artistic class of Azerbaijan, her attention to culture, our national cultural values and her initiatives in the humanitarian sphere were met with great sympathy in the realization of creative Azerbaijan.

K. Imanov stressed that the activity of the Intellectual Property Agency is to serve the reforms successfully carried out by the President, to make Azerbaijan an active participant in the next fourth industrial revolution.

According to Charter of the Agency approved by the Head of State the goal of Agency is to take measures for improving role of intellectual property in modern economy, for improving investment environment in economy based to copyright (creative economy), for commercialization of intellectual activity results and for determination of share of creative economy in country’s GDP, also for creation of infrastructure of technology transfer, innovation support and commercialization (Article 2.2.8). Moreover, according to Article 3.1.43 of the Charter, one of main duties of Agency is to permanently monitor the economic indicators of national economy based on intellectual property rights, to develop proposals for improving mechanisms for the commercialization of intellectual activity results, to carry out relevant activities in order to more accurately evaluate the share of industrial property in GDP, to monitor our country's rating in international rankings regarding intellectual activity results, to conduct analyzes and to develop proposals.

Chairman of the Board of the Federation of Creative Industries of Azerbaijan Vasif Eyvazzadeh addressed the opening part of the webinar. He noted the need for a detailed analysis of modern business challenges in the creative industries, the development of public-private partnership, capacity building, effective sectoral organization, the creation of temporary tax incentives and favorable credit opportunities, national content creation and production promotion, demand stimulation.

Acting Head of the Department of Intellectual Property Law of Baku State University, Chief of Staff of Ombudsman Aydin Safikhanli made a report on "Specialization of youth in the field of intellectual property and its impact on economic development." He noted that in cooperation with the Intellectual Property Agency, Baku State University is working to protect and enforce intellectual property rights, to meet the growing need for highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in this field. He informed the webinar participants that the Department of Intellectual Property Law was established at the Faculty of Law, a professional teaching staff was formed, and ample opportunities were created for students to develop their theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of intellectual property.

Rustam Agayev, Head of the Intellectual Property Analysis and Policy Department of the Intellectual Property Agency, made a report on "Development of the Creative Industry" and said that the basis of creative products and services is property that combines copyright. He noted that since 2003, the Copyright Agency and then the Intellectual Property Agency have been investigating the share of copyright and related rights-based industries in GDP and communicating it to the relevant government agencies, and that the share of the creative industry in GDP is growing in Azerbaijan.

Yusif Abdullayev, Acting Executive Director of the Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation and Nazim Imanov, Director General of the Institute of Economics of ANAS also spoke during the discussions and shared their views on the issue under discussion.

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