Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​Summer Academy on intellectual property will be organized in the city of Sochi

​Summer Academy on intellectual property will be organized in the city of Sochi

In 3-8 July 2022, Summer Academy on “Effective management of intellectual capital: audit, strategy, powers” will be held in the Sochi city of Russian Federation.

The purpose of the event is to promote the development of business relations between scientific, educational organizations, corporations and enterprises operating in the field of intellectual property, as well as the promotion of scientific and technical projects and inventions on the world market.

Co-organizers of the project are Eurasian Patent Office and Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RGAIS)

The Summer Academy includes not only educational activities, but also individual consultations of intellectual property experts, analysis of practical cases, protection of individual projects.

At the end of the event, participants will be granted with a certificate of professional development.

For detailed information about Summer Academy, please visit web page of RGAIS.

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