The appropriation of the song "İntizar" performed by People's Artist Elmira Ragimova by Armenian singer Artash Asatryan

The music of the song "İntizar" performed by People's Artist Elmira Ragimova belongs to the composer Nushaba Muradova and the lyrics to Sudabe Shafa. The song was first performed (released) in 1979. Based on the application of the song's composer N. Muradova, the song "İntizar" was registered with the Intellectual Property Agency and a "Certificate of Registration of the Work" was issued.
Armenian artist Artash Asatryan, who claimed to be the author of the lyrics and music of the song “İntizar”, performed it under the name “Ter Hisus Ari” and posted it on the YouTube page “”. Thus, the personal (non-property) and property (economic) rights of the Azerbaijani authors of the song N. Muradova and S. Shafa were violated by the Armenian artist Artash Asatryan.
The music of “Yeni il mahnısı” performed by People’s Artist Brilliant Dadashova belongs to the composer Gular Gasanova and the lyrics to the poet Baba Veziroglu. The song was first performed (released) in 1999. Based on the application of the song’s music author G. Gasanova, “Yeni il mahnısı” was registered in the Intellectual Property Agency (earlier the Copyright Agency) in 2001 and a “Certificate of Registration of the Work” was issued.
The “Yeni il mahnısı” performed by Armenian singer Tigran Asatryan was posted on YouTube “” under the name "Gez Hamar" and thus Tigran Asatryan violated the personal (non-property) and property (economic) rights of the authors of the song, G. Hasanova and B. Vaziroglu.
As a result of the measures taken by the Intellectual Property Agency regarding both of the above-mentioned issues, with the technical assistance of the "Digital and Audiovisual Broadcasting Industry" Public Union, which collectively manages the property rights of authors, performers and phonogram producers in digital networks, the songs "Ter Hisus Ari" performed by Artash Asatryan and "Gez Hamar" performed by Tigran Asatryan were removed from the mentioned YouTube pages.
Thus, the fact of personal (non-property) and property (economic) infringement of the authors of the song "İntizar" Nushaba Muradova and Sudabe Shafa and the authors of the song "Yeni il mahnısı" Gular Gasanova and Baba Veziroglu, has been confirmed by the YouTube administration and the violated rights of the named authors have been restored.