Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​The Head of Intellectual Property Agency spoke at an international event

​The Head of Intellectual Property Agency spoke at an international event

The "Tenth Petersburg International Legal Forum" was held in Saint Petersburg, Russia, on June 29-July 1 of this year.

A session on intellectual property area was organized on June 30 within the framework of the forum. The event, which was moderated by Grigory Ivliev, the president of the Eurasian Patent Office of the Eurasian Patent Organization, was attended by the head of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of the Russian Federation (Rospatent) Yuriy Zubov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Dmitry Volvach, Director of the International Science and Education Center "UNESCO Department of Copyright, Related, Cultural and Information Rights" of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" of Russia Mikhail Fedotov, Judge of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union Tatyana Neshatayeva, and representatives of the public and private sector in the field of intellectual property.

Mr. Kamran Imanov, Chairman of Board of the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who joined the session online, made a report on "Creativity as the basis of authorship".

In a broad presentation, authorship as an expression of the creator's individuality, authorship in the prism of intellectual and creative activity, authorship and the object of copyright, "creative character" ("creative work") criterion, similarities and differences in copyright and patent law, the intricacies of satisfying the author's interests in the framework of the normative-legal regulation mechanism and state policy, the place of copyright in the ecosystem of intellectual property rights were analyzed and suggestions were made for their solutions at the level of the requirements of the modern era.

K.Imanov's report was listened to with interest by the participants of the event and received with applause. G. Ivliev, Professor M. Fedotov and others emphasized that the issues raised in the report are important from the point of view of researching the legal theory of intellectual property. M. Fedotov suggested writing a joint article and then a monograph as a continuation of the scientific research of the representative of Azerbaijan.

M. Fedotov's report and other speeches were also presented at the session.

It should be noted that the anniversary Tenth Petersburg International Law Forum is a dialogue platform of representatives of the law, business, political and law enforcement sectors on legal issues in the interests of citizens, business, and promotion of legislative initiatives with the aim of improving law enforcement practice, developing legal culture in modern conditions and regulating the socio-economic sphere.

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