Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​The optimal management institute of the intellectual property system has been formed in Azerbaijan - Habip Asan

​The optimal management institute of the intellectual property system has been formed in Azerbaijan - Habip Asan

Director of the Division for Transition and Developed Countries (TDC) of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Habip Asan, said in a meeting with Kamran Imanov, Chairman of the Board of Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, that the optimal management institute of the intellectual property system has been formed in Azerbaijan.

The meeting took place online within the framework of the 63rd Series of Meetings of Assemblies of WIPO held in Geneva, Switzerland.

H. Asan listened to K. Imanov's detailed information about the institutional changes in the field of intellectual property as a result of the reform policy implemented in the country thanks to the efforts of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev. He noted that he was aware of the creation of a new structure for the management of the intellectual property system of our country, but the current meeting gave him the opportunity to create clearer imagination. According to him, the current management institution of Azerbaijan is optimal for making the right decisions in terms of functionality and is an option that many countries are trying to implement. He also emphasized that K. Imanov's management experience will bring significant benefits to the activity of the intellectual property institute.

Revealing the essence of the ongoing institutional changes, K. Imanov noted that the main thing here is to gather organizations operating in the field of intellectual property under one tent (umbrella), ensure the joint activities of these structures and thereby give a new impetus to their work. In his opinion, this new economic theory, in accordance with neo-institutionalism, creates opportunities to achieve the elimination of transactions (losses in the production process).

At the same time, the Head of IPA emphasized that the result of such a management statute is an increase in both powers and responsibilities at the same time.

Speaking about the perspectives of the intellectual property institute, K. Imanov noted that, as stated by the WIPO, if the role of intellectual property and its influence spreads to every field in the modern era, then intellectual property should harmonize with technologies and not oppose them, on the contrary, it should adapt and lead to new achievements. He explained his words as follows: In Azerbaijan, such an idea has been formed that intellectual property does not end with the issuance of official documents on the protection of rights. It also includes other issues: on the one hand, the economics of intellectual property, on the other - sociological issues. That is, law, economics and social aspect should be taken into account as a triad, which is a philosophical approach and a practical requirement that expresses the essence of intellectual property and arises from it.

It is for this reason that all protected intellectual property objects are concentrated in a single state enterprise in Azerbaijan and given to its management. This makes it easier to take certain stimulating steps, including public policy. For example, in order to provide assistance to inventors, the state assumed 50% of the payments under the PCT system. According to K. Imanov, this is a great and important issue.

Speaking about the structure of the Agency, K. Imanov specifically mentioned the purpose of the newly created Technology Commercialization and Transfer Center: select the best patents by means of patent analytics, commercialize them by allocating financial resources, turn them into innovations.

In this regard, H. Asan said that WIPO attaches great importance to this issue and stated that Azerbaijan will be given the necessary support to realize these works.

The meeting also discussed the creation of a branch of the WIPO Academy at the training center base of the IPA, promotion of legislative practice in the field of traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions (folklore) of Azerbaijan, registration and protection of geographical indications of Azerbaijan, joint national and regional measures, including intellectual property and innovative economy, improvement of patent legislation of Azerbaijan, holding seminars dedicated to the discussion of the perspective of artificial intelligence and intellectual property.

H. Asan stated that the TDC, of which he is the director, will regularly follow up on these issues and is ready to implement them in a short time.

K. Imanov wished H. Asan, the representative of brother Turkey, success in his work as the new Head of the TDC Division.

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