Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​Cooperation in the field of copyright between Azerbaijan and Turkey is broadening

​Cooperation in the field of copyright between Azerbaijan and Turkey is broadening

A meeting was held at the Intellectual Property Agency with the representatives of the "For Copyright" Public Union, "Digital and Audiovisual Broadcasting Industry" Public Union operating in our country and the Turkish Music Owners Group Professional Union (MSG).

Member of the Board of the Intellectual Property Agency Mr. Sanan Tapdigov, who participated in the event, noted that the culture of intellectual property formed as a result of the successful reforms carried out under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, influenced the development of the creative industry and increased respect for intellectual property rights. He informed about the relevant work done in the field of copyright in our country, and said that the state always supports the organizations that manage the property rights of authors and owners of related rights on a collective basis. He emphasized that the further development of business relations between the collective management organizations of Azerbaijan and Turkey will contribute to the friendly relations between the two brotherly nations.

Cooperation issues between collective management organizations operating in Azerbaijan and Turkey were discussed at the meeting.

At the end of the event, a protocol of intent was signed between the institutions. The document foresees the mutual protection of intellectual property rights of authors and performers in Azerbaijan and Turkey, establishment and development of cooperation between institutions.

The protocol of intent was signed by Mr. Najaf Guliyev – Director of Center for Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights under the Intellectual Property Agency, Mrs. Govhar Hasanzada – Chairman of “For Copyright” Public Union, Mr. Ali Aliyev – Acting Director of “Digital and Audiovisual Broadcasting Industry” Public Union and Mr. Farhad Gochar – Chairman of Board of Turkish Music Owners Group Professional Union.

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