Çağrı Mərkəzi: 960
​Cooperation issues in the field of Intellectual Property between Azerbaijan and France were discussed

​Cooperation issues in the field of Intellectual Property between Azerbaijan and France were discussed

Member of Board of Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Deputy-Chairman Mr Sanan Tapdigov accepted Mr. Francois Viel – Adviser on Agriculture of the French Embassy in Turkey.

Noting that the last meeting took place before the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr.Tapdigov informed his interlocutor about the innovations in the intellectual property system of the country, as well as the activities of the newly established Technology Commercialization and Transfer Center under the Agency, which will boost economic development through innovations. He said that along with the Patent and Trademark Examination Center, the Center for Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights and the Republican Scientific and Technical Library under Agency the newly established Center would be one of the key factors in the formation of the intellectual property ecosystem in our country.

Mr.Tapdigov also informed the guest about the reconstruction and restoration work implemented in the liberated lands of Azerbaijan under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev after the brilliant victory in the 44-day Patriotic War. He stressed that the intellectual property culture formed in our country as a result of the successful policy of the country's leadership has a significant impact on increasing the respect of local businesses for intellectual property rights and compliance with the demands of legislation.

Informing about the legislation of France in the field of protection of geographical indications, Mr. Viel stressed the importance of joint activities and the possibility of developing a separate bilateral program on geographical indications. He noted the possibility of using EU tools, including the Twinning project, as well as the organization of a joint training seminar.

Taking into account the intention of both sides to develop cooperation in this field, it was agreed to hold additional talks to hold meetings with a wider group of experts.

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